how i met Jimmy

Created by paul 7 months ago
i was helping out with the Doctors exams at Derriford Hospital being a pretend patient and the pretend patient in the bed beside me caught my eye with his long grey hair and beaming smile...during one of the breaks the pretend patient beside me asked who my fave group was ..i said ELO  ..he replied ah Jeff Lynne ..lovely guy ..i said have you met him ..he said yes when i was at concert one time ..then he proceeded to tell me who else he had met and who else he had played gigs with ..i thought this guys a dreamer ...when he left the room a consultant came up to me and said i see you have met our Jimmy ..i said is he for real ..hes met all these famous rock stars and played in all those gigs .he said i thought the same when i first met him then i joined his face book me hes the real deal haha .i have  been friends with  Jimmy since that day 8 years ago ..R.I.P you legend x